Level 200, Module 209, Build Actual Expense Data, Step 16

Sofiia Active Partner
First Comment Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board

Hello Board Academy,

I've started to have problems at the step 16. After the sub-step 'Run the "2. Publish Data" Procedure twice, in Play mode, for each "Country". (use the Country selector)' I have an empty Data View object after clicking on '2. Publish Data' label. I've checked everything, and I didn't find a mistake.

And after, when I go to the next step, and I edit the screen "Expense Actuals", I receive an empty Data View object, like the cubes 'ACT - DF - Expenses LC' and 'ACT - DF - Expenses GBP' are not populated, but on the previous screen 'Expense Data Upload' , when configuring the Data View object, I could choose these cubes and they have the data.

Help me, please, to find the solution.


  • Hi Sofiia,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    The process of publishing the data is expected to delete the data stored in the TEMP - ACT - DR - Expenses LC Cube displayed on the Expense Data Upload Screen and populate the ACT - DF - Expenses LC and ACT - DF - Expenses GBP Cubes displayed on the Expense Actuals Screen. If the final reporting Cubes are populated correctly but the data is missing on the Expense Actuals Screen, the issue might be related to the Screen selections.

    Could you please confirm that your Screen selections on the Expense Actuals Screen are:

    • Year: 2022.
    • Currency: dynamic selection based on the ACT - DF - Sales LC Cube.

    If the Cubes are not populated correctly, I would suggest investigating steps 2 and/or 3 of the ACT - Expenses Data Publish Data Model Procedure and confirming the following:

    1. ACT - DF - Expenses LC Cube is structured by Month, Store, Account, and Currency.
    2. ACT - DF - Expenses GBP Cube is structured by Month, Store, and Account.
    3. The Data flows in steps 2 and 3 have the correct data blocks and the target is set according to the snapshot above.
    4. The UTIL - FX Rates Cube is populated correctly on the FX Rates Screen.

    Thank you,
