Is it possible to separate the values of the cube when the same screen is opened in multiple tabs?

Taisei Active Partner
First Anniversary

Hello. - Hello.
As the title says, when the same screen is opened in multiple tabs,
Is it possible to separate the cube of selected values used in that screen?
Example: "DisplayEntity" member =A,B,C,...,Z,not selected
     "parent1" member =A~G,H~N,O~U,V~Z,not selected
   "parent2" member =1,2,not selected
Relationship: child "DisplayEntity" - "parent1" - "parent2" parent

The above entities are selected in the screen by the following process without using selectors.

(Initial selection is not selected)

parent2Selection・・・"parent2" is selected and "Parent2_SelectionValue" is set to 1.
parent1Selection・・・"parent1" is selected using "parent2_SelectionValue", with "parent2" narrowed down, and "parent1_SelectionValue" is set to 1.
DisplayEntitySelection・・・Select "DisplayEntity" to be displayed on the screen with "parent2" and "parent1" narrowed down using "Parent2_SelectionValue" and "Parent1_SelectionValue".

In such a process, "parent2_SelectionValue" and "parent1_SelectionValue" would have the value of the tab where the process was last executed when the same screen is opened in multiple tabs.
Is there anything that can be done to have a cube value for each tab, other than using a temporary cube?
Or can it be implemented in another way?


  • Hi Taisei,

    Thanks for submitting your observations to this discussion forum. I'll try to reply to my best understanding. It appears that you're attempting to execute two different procedures present on same screen but from separate browser tabs, for managing screen selections on related entities. Please correct me if there are more details to your actions here.

    From my point of view, it's strongly recommended to, as a best practice, always keep single session of one screen active on your browsers from one user account. This makes sure there are no discrepancies between the calculations or data entry or any other actions which you might undertake in there. To maintain the consistency and efficacy, we must follow this strictly.

    Also, best way to achieve different values on the same screen for same cube blocks would be to use different data view blocks or use the tab object which Board offers and then put layout selections in place.

    Lastly, we always suggest to add a 'Refresh screen' procedure step as the last step of all your procedures where you're performing changes to data, selection or running DRs. This presents end users with the most up-to-date state of the screen. With B14, there is also an option to only refresh the data & not the whole screen with a new procedure step. Once your screen refreshes, it'll showcase the same content all across your different browser tabs.

    Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions. You may please feel free to submit an idea if you see a functionality that can be beneficial to your business use cases in the manner you've just described here.

    Thank you and have a great rest of your day!


    Rishabh Shahi