Use Nexel to refer to previous line value

I am trying to use Nexel to work on a dataview but cannot manage to figure out how it works, and the nexel documentation on community is not detailed enough.
I am trying to replicate that excel formula in nexel, can someone help ??
I will explain you with an example of mine.
Below I am using the deepest entity formula on my nexel block as each condition for comparison is going to be different. Here @b is the Product Group block and @c is the Sales Pack block. P01 points to the entity member code of the product Aviator Men's. Here P01 is just used as a row reference to refer to the corresponding row that I am trying to compare the value to.
In your case the formula is going to look like this. (I am going to assume the entity member code for row reference is FR03)
Additionally you can refer to Board Education site to know more about the Nexel functionality and use cases for the same.
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Hi @Elodie JEAN,
I would suggest to check out the Relative Reference Mode (where the cell is identified by its shift from the position of the cell that contains the formula) combined with Single Formula option (where the formula is the same for all cells of the Block).
According with your layout, in Board the formula should be:=if([@e;*;-5]=[@e;-1;-5],[@k;-1;-1],[@k;*;-1] , where "@e" is the block identifier for Industrial Project, "-1" indicates one row above the row of the cell that contains the formula, and "-5" indicates five columns before the column of the cell that contains the formula.
The shift logic is then applied against "@k", which is the block identifier for Persisting value.
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Hi both and many thanks for your quick response,
I tried your formulas but it's not working properly yet for the moment, I did not use the "-5" of your formulas because I do not understand why I should shift 5 columns here, I am always working with the same column of data which is "Persisting" column, block e.
Here is why I tried below The Industrial Project Column is block c and the Persisting one is block e below.
It is actually not bringing the previous value in all cases, for example in the highlighted cell I should have 8 and not 6,8 :(
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Hi again, i cannot see the industrial project field in its entirety.
Is the condition [@c,*,*]=[@c,-1,*] met for the cell highlighted?
For debugging purpose, you can always place 1 when the met condition is true and 2 when is false and see what it returns.
With that in place you can debug where the problem is.
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Im not sure if my prob is the same.
I have applied a formula on a column (cube) which is based on another column (data entry).But the formula is not being triggered when im changing a value. Im not triggering any save data entry.
But the formula works on the editor.
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HI @Khaleelah,
Unless the data entry is not saved, the corresponding value in the Nexel cell/column will not change.