Bulk Insert to SQL Table failed!


I tried running a basic procedure, with an initial selection and a bulk insert step.

However, the procedure fails and gives this error:

ERROR [HY001] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded.

Moreover, it does not recognize the fields in the SQL query. In the log file, all the fields are set as '?'. I checked and there are no syntax mistakes.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.

Accepted Answer

  • Samson Sunny
    Samson Sunny Employee, Community Captain
    25 Answers 100 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Rajith Perera,

    Kindly try the following:-

    Kindly check with the DBA if the table you are trying to write into in Access is locked or not.

    If the table is not locked, try using another client to test inserting data into the same table.

    Click the "Compact& Repair Database" in MS Access to fix any corruption issues.


  • Rajith Perera
    Rajith Perera Active Partner
    Board Developer Name Dropper First Comment

    Thank you @Samson Sunny for the fast reply,

    Indeed the Access is locked. That could be the reason I cannot reach the table and the procedure fails.

    I will try as you suggested :)

  • Rajith Perera
    Rajith Perera Active Partner
    Board Developer Name Dropper First Comment

    Hi @Samson Sunny,

    Now I am trying to run the bulk insert to SQL table into a table in Snowflake, but I get this error:

    ERROR [HY000] [DataDirect][ODBC Hybrid driver][Service]

    It doesn not specify which is the issue, so I am stuck.

    Do you have any suggestion on how to solve this?

    Thank you :)

  • Samson Sunny
    Samson Sunny Employee, Community Captain
    25 Answers 100 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes

    Hi @Rajith Perera,

    What are the SQL logs saying?

    My guess is that this error maybe pointing to incorrect credentials. Make sure you have the source (snowflake) username and password entered correctly in the hybrid datapipeline and the pipeline's credentials entered correctly in the Board data source connection.

  • Rajith Perera
    Rajith Perera Active Partner
    Board Developer Name Dropper First Comment

    Thank you for the reply @Samson Sunny,

    This is the log:

    ERROR [HY000] [DataDirect][ODBC Hybrid driver][Service]

    I will try checking the credentials.

    Thank you :)

  • Rajith Perera
    Rajith Perera Active Partner
    Board Developer Name Dropper First Comment

    @Samson Sunny the error is related to the layout, I want to export an entity and a cube with that entity.

    I tried exporting only the cube and it works just fine.

    The issue comes when I want to export the entity, but I already tried some troubleshootings:

    • The cube has only that entity as dimension;
    • The layout is set on the max detailed level;
    • The credentials are right;
    • The layout in Capsule works.

    Even if I try with different entities (belonging to the same tree) it does not work…

  • Samson Sunny
    Samson Sunny Employee, Community Captain
    25 Answers 100 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes

    Hi @Rajith Perera,

    Kindly raise a ticket for this in the Board Support portal- https://support.board.com/s/login/?ec=302&startURL=%2Fs%2F , so that we can take a look at this in detail.