V12 - Smart import & max items
Hello everyone,
As a neophyte, I am currently experiencing a few problems.
Indeed, most of my models are still on a pre-V12 version and I'd like to understand the advantages of the V12 on certain points.
- Optimization with Smart Import in Board V12: What are the best strategies for taking full advantage of the "smart import" feature in Board V12 to optimize file loading efficiency? Are there any guides or tips to ensure smooth adoption of this new option and maintain consistency of data displays?
- Managing Max Items Limits in Board V12: With the new auto-incrementing "max items" feature in Board V12, how can tests be carried out to ensure reliability and assess the impact on data model performance? Are comparisons with the behavior of previous versions, such as 10.5, available?
I would like to thank you in advance for your answers, which would be a great help in my approach.
Best regards.
Accepted Answer
Dear @Han B,
- The Smart Import Object will help you to streamline data loading in Board including file injection or new elements creation. Moreover, any security restriction can be demanded to the cube visibility functionality.
- With automatic configuration, you let Board make the decisions that you should take. The more members’ number of the entities are provided to Board, the more accurate the result will be. Otherwise, you have to make the decisions yourself. We suggest using the Auto configuration only at the beginning when exploring the application before data loading, where the Auto setting will give an indication of how much you can set this number without impacting performance (i.e., exceeding the 64-bit structure). Then, before loading the final dataset, it is strongly suggested to set it manually.
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