Nexel crossview : Copy all rows from dataview A to dataview B ?
Do you know if it is possible to paste value from dataview A to dataview B using Nexel Crossview ? Just copy / paste all values row by row.
I'm trying to use this formula but with no sucess :
Also should I use single formula or deep formula ?
Hi @Julien CARDON ,
Both the "Single" and the "Deepest Entity" formula should work. Make sure that the dataview that you are referencing in the formula has the layout title. So as per your formula the layout title for Dataview A should have the layout title as "A".
Also another thing that you could try is to refresh the screen when in play mode. I have often had to refresh the screen to get the Nexel calculations working.
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Thanks for the trick about the double refresh to get nexel applied
I found the issue : It seems that nexel crossview does not work if a rule is set on another block of dataview B
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Hi, I would like to do something similar. I want to point to the total of a block in another Dataview.
Is that possible? I cannot get to work so far.
Is there a more detailed explanation somewhere?
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Your specific case is in the example of the boardmanual. Link (Nexel Crossview):
I have found cross view to be quite fragile and a lack of error messages make it difficult to use. If you have trouble to make it work, feel free to share your Data View Layouts and Nexel formulas.
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Hi, I just tried to achieve what Julien asked.
it works for the first column
the second column worked once when I hit the refresh button multiple times.
the third column doesn't refresh at all.
Since I am trying to show an algorithm from other Data-Views, I am not able to push that into a cube, or?
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Hi @Maik Burghardt ,
you can always push the results of a Nexel calculation into a cube by using the write-back option in Nexel. This will make the action available in procedures, as well.
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