Are you new here? Join us in the New Community Members Group!

Welcome new Community members! In our quest to continuously improve the Community experience, we're excited to announce today's launch of the New Community Members Group.
Hit the ground running by learning more about the Board Community's purpose, various spaces, house rules, key topics and more while also building relationships and networking with your peers. Check back frequently for the latest updates and interactions.
To join this Group, please click here and then click the Join button. This Group is open to everyone but will cater to new members. Get started by signing in and introducing yourself!
All new Community members will receive an invitation to join the group shortly after registration. As you become more familiar with Community and are ready to move forward on your own, you have the option to leave the Group at any time. You're also welcome to stay to support new members as they navigate their Board journey!
As always, we welcome feedback on your experience. Leave a comment here or send an email to