Board 14.1 FAQs

With the release of Board 14.1, you may have some questions about the newest version, its features, and how to upgrade. We have consolidated the most common questions and their answers here.
1. Will my Screens change after the upgrade?
No, Screens and Object positions will not change or need to be adjusted.
2. Will I need to make any changes to my Data model?
No, although the Dynamic Engine offers opportunities for simplifications and improvements.
3. Is this an upgrade or a migration?
It is an upgrade since the new UI is a like-for-like change of framework and the Dynamic Engine is an evolution of the previous Board 12 engine.
4. What should I be aware of when deciding to upgrade?
- Upgrading from Board 12.x versions: the only requirement is that, based on the complexity of the application, the project, and the business processes involved, sufficient time is allowed for testing. For detailed changes and upgrade instructions, please refer to the upgrade instructions for Board 14 from Board 12 article.
- Upgrading from Board 10.x, 11.x, or older versions: it is possible to upgrade directly to Board 14, however the version upgrade will include the architectural changes introduced in Board 12 which will need to be managed. Please refer to the Board 12.x release notes and to the Board 14 upgrade instructions for Board 11 and older.
5. I have more than one environment active, which one should I upgrade to Board 14.1, and how can I manage the other environments which are still on the older versions?
As for any other Board version, you should plan to upgrade your sandbox environment first so you can run all the necessary tests required. Once the application has been properly tested, the other active environments can also be upgraded. It is not possible to deploy application changes from a Board 14 sandbox to an environment using an older version, so the upgrade process should be planned accordingly.
6. How much time do I need to plan for when upgrading?
The time required for the upgrade may vary depending on the complexity of the application. Board 14 is fully backward compatible and therefore does not require any mandatory actions to be performed on Data models and Capsules.
7. If I upgrade one of my instances to Board 14.1, do I have to upgrade the Subscription Hub as well?
Yes, Board 14 requires the latest version of the Subscription Hub.
8. What’s the biggest difference between Board 14 and Board 12?
The three macro changes are: the new Flex Grid Object, new UI/UX enhancements, and the new Dynamic Engine. For further details please refer to the Board 14.1 release notes.
9. Will I be able to navigate Board 14 easily with all the new UI changes?
The new Board 14 release has the same existing features, however, the UI has been improved in terms of intuitiveness, usability, and aesthetics. Above all, the new interface makes it easier for end users to navigate and interact with Objects, Screens, Capsules, Presentations, etc. Most of the improvements concern Makers, while for end users, the changes are minimal.
10. What is the difference between a Flex Grid and a Data View? And, what is the best use case for a Flex Grid?
The Flex Grid Object is a powerful reporting tool displayed as an Excel-like table with key features like pivoting, grouping, sorting, filtering, quick charts, and more, giving end users and developers the ability to leverage large data volumes with more Entities set by Row than ever before. Learn more about the new Flex Grid Object. For more use cases on Flex Grid, refer to the dedicated training in our Academy section.
11. Will I be able to use Data entry on a Flex Grid?
Data entry will not be available in the first release, but it is in the roadmap for future releases. For more details feel free to contact your Key Account Manager, Customer Success Manager or your reference contact in the Product Management Team.
12. With the new Flex Grid Object, can I export to PDF & Excel, save My View, and save it as a Presentation Slide as I can with a Data View and other Objects?
Yes, all of these features are available with the Flex Grid Object.
13. What’s the main difference between “Refresh Screen” and “Refresh Data” steps? Why might I use one over the other?
In practice, the Refresh Data step is especially useful when various Procedures are executed by the end user within the same Screen. The existing “Refresh Screen” causes the end user interactions with the Data View to be reset (i.e. scrollbars, filters, sorting, etc.) while the “Refresh Data” does not reset these user interactions, allowing for a better user experience. For example, three use cases where this might be relevant are:
- Planning Screens including a refresh data via Procedure and Data View Objects
- Planning Screens with frequent interactions between the Data View Objects and the available buttons on screen
- Planning Screens using several drill Procedure logics
Please refer to the Board 14 "Other enhancements" article in the release notes, to learn more about the Refresh Data step.
14. Was anything deprecated with the new release?
Cognitive space, InRam flag, and Fast Track have now been deprecated. Please refer to the upgrade instructions for Board 14 to learn more.
15. What benefits come from the Dynamic Engine, new in Board 14?
The main enhancements related to the Dynamic Engine are: Improved scalability, Improved performance and Simplified architecture and maintenance. Learn more about the new Dynamic Engine.
16. Why do I see communication about Board 14, Board 14.1, Board 12.6, and others? Has the naming convention changed?
Yes. Starting with Board 14, the naming convention of Board versions will no longer use seasons, and we will use numbers, such as 14.1, 14.2, etc. This convention will be used in all of our communications and documentation moving forward.