Vertical % on Dataview


can I somehow use vertical % ignoring subtotals on a dataview?


Accepted Answer

  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Maik Burghardt

    all algorithm are "only" working in the most nested by row entity. So the vertical percentage is calulculated in reference to the first subtotal.

    A possible solution for your request is to use a simple nexel formal like =[@a;;]/[@a;;;Point.Total]*100 ,there are also other solutions, but in this case Nexel might be the easiest (and it is not dependent on cetain enitities in by row)




  • Samson Sunny
    Samson Sunny Employee, Community Captain
    25 Answers 100 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes

    Hi @Maik Burghardt,

    You can use the "Hide Totals Row" in the dataview settings to hide the sub totals.

  • I still want to see the subtotals but the calculation of the vertical % should exclude it

  • Bart Scott
    Bart Scott Active Partner, Community Captain
    Fourth Anniversary 5 Answers 10 Comments Year 2 Community Captain

    You could do a format on the Total/Sub Total line for that block using the same Font/Background color to Hide the total. But exporting to Excel that still may come thru. Or you can change how the total is calculated versus Summed to make it a meaningful value.

    Bart Scott

    CFO Solutions LLC

  • Shisong
    Shisong Active Partner, Community Captain
    5 Answers 10 Comments Board Developer September Badge of the Month

    Try to set summary as "Calculated".