Level 200: Module 201: Training instance is completely empty

I have accessed the training instance and it is completely empty. No Data Modules or procedures. I only have a capsule that is completely empty.

The next two modules appears to require/expect some level of set up already.

Accepted Answer

  • Marcus Smith
    Marcus Smith Employee
    10 Comments Board Developer First Answer First Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    Hi @James Melville,

    A brand new training instance created by you in your L200 course comes with the below listed elements:

    1. Capsule (named as 'Level 2 Demo')
    2. Home screen in that capsule (Already created where later you will link some screens)
    3. When you enter the Design mode of the 'Home Screen', you find empty folders and sub-folders already created in the left pane where you will create screens later. No Data model is selected/associated for any screen because yet no Data model has been created by you. Once you've created your Level 200 Data model following the steps from the course, you will be able to select it in the 'Screen Edit Mode'.
    4. When you navigate to the Data model section, there are no Data models created by default but you will create it.

    Please refer screenshots I've attached for you on how your new training instance looks like on your first go.

    I hope this helps!

    Thank you,

    Marcus Smith


  • Thank you Marcus that does answer the question. Section 203 sounded almost like I had to follow the examples in the demo instance. To do that I needed more in the environment already. However, I later found that I did not have to follow the examples in 203 it was for illustration only.

  • TJ Barber
    TJ Barber Employee
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments April Badge of the Month March Badge of the Month

    Hey James, at the the start of Level 200 there is very little in the training instance. There are no procedures set up, and there is not a data model yet. In the "Build the sales Data Model" lesson of 204, you will start working in the instance by building the Data Model, initial Entities, Relationships, Data Readers, and Cubes. There should be a capsule that has a Home screen set up, and a number of folders and masks, is that the case?

  • Yes, Exactly! It was for illustration just like a simulation. 👍️