Sub Hub - Improved Logging

We have a large customer on Premium SLA who needs better reporting off the Board sub-hub - particularly:
Monthly log files, not daily. It is time-consuming to look for events in multiple single Day files
Need ALL sub-hub changes recorded in the log - including all metadata fields (not covered now)
The sub-hub logs should be in a form easily readable by a Board application or modified LMA, and stored appropriately
Many thanks
hi - one other aspect of this to consider is that the current Audit log does not capture sub hub updates via an upload file. We are looking to track all sub hub changes so this should be considered also please.
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another point is that currently in the Audit log I don't find the changes to the users, just the creation with the first instance and role. No option to view if I enabled 2 instance and which is the second neither if I add another instance or any changes in the user role