Layout: add functionality "copy/paste data block"
As far as i know, it is not currently possible to copy one block of a layout and paste it right away in the same layout.
in older versions of Board, "dragging" a block and dropping it on a line below in the same layout was copying the block. I can't find this in Board 14.1.
The feature is a time-saving one for Board developers, especially when you want to test a small variation for an existing block having already many parameters (e.g. color alterting, or dataentry, or refer-to's, etc.) without having to create the new "test" block from scratch.
In the currenty layout editor, you can:
- move a block's position
- delete a block
- but not copy and paste an existing block (in yellow in the screenshot):
In B14, you need to right-click the block to Duplicate.
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Ups you are right,
I didn't see that :
I was misleaded by the help file ( help file
where nothing is documented in regards to this "duplicate block" topic.
I see this:
- create
- delete
Would it be possible to complete the documentation then to include this small point of "duplicate block" dear @Product Management Team ?
I will delete this idea afterwards.
Many thanks.
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I do not have the rights to delete my idea @Samir Jones… so it stays here.
Can an admin delete it?
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