I know from the Board manual https://www.boardmanual.com/board14/capsules/screens/objects/data-view/using-a-dataview.htm#data-view-drill-anywhere that i can trigger a procedure from a dataview single cell.
If a Drill-Procedure has been configured on the Data View, select a cell and click the Drill down icon () , double-click on a row header (Entity member), or double-click a cell to follow the drill path configured by a Developer from the Data View to another Procedure of the current Capsule. To facilitate a different Drill-to-Procedure, if the configuration allows it, select a cell and click on the Drill anywhere icon to open a window where you can choose from a list of available Procedures to deploy as a drill.
Depending on the Drill-Procedure configuration, the Procedure will run with:
-A selection based on the Entity member selected or double clicked in the Data View
-A selection based on the row and column item corresponding to the cell selected or double clicked in the Data View
-No inherited selection
I have implemented it in a dataview with this setting:
you see the block c is a text algorithm if(j=1,"","⍇")
one procedure is set in the "edit drill" section.
Status quo: clicking in a single cell for this block triggers the procedure defined in the drill, regardless of the displayed text of the cell (result of text algorithm)
my wish: clicking in a cell for this block triggers the procedure defined in the drill only if a condition is true, in my case: result of text algorithm = ⍇
instead of no text ""
here a picture of my wish:
Does anyone know how to reach this in Board?
Board version