Link Selectors/Pagers to Objects on the Screen to increase flexibility

1. What is your idea?
Currently there is the possibility to have selections for all objects on the screen. In addition, only directly in the Layout can be done a selection for this one object.
The Idea is, to give the end user of a screen the possibility to do different selections to different objects on the screen using pager/selector. E.g. by linking a pager/selector to only one ore more objects in the screen.
An easy example is, to compare several data in a dataview between different regions. On the screen you have two dataviews and two region pagers. One selection should apply to the first, the other to the second dataview. Of course there could be more objects and more selectors/pagers linked to one or more objects.
Applying this also to planning screens, it would give the developer even more possibilities to build flexible planning data entry screens for the enduser.
2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?
Compare Data in different objects one screen with different selections directly set by the user using selector/pager.
Having more flexibility in building planning data entry screens.
I really like this idea! I would keep the default that a selector applies to all objects. But then an additional option to "LINK to dataview/chart etc." would be great.
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Like that, too!
If I'm not mistaken this idea was once part of the roadmap…