Responsive selector's member size

Sergi Fernández
Sergi Fernández Active Partner, Community Captain
100 Up Votes Second Anniversary 5 Likes Name Dropper

Dear community,

In the latest versions of Board, the space needed for Selector objects to display its members has increased. Back in Board 10 for example, Selector's members didn't need as much space as it does now, having the ability to display several more members than now with the same object size.

Additionally, the size needed by the members was determined by the text size, allowing the developer to take advantage of the text size in order to display more or fewer members in the object.

In the latest version Board 14.1, no matter the size of the "Members font", the space each member needs does not change, so the developer is forced to increase the size of the object itself to fit more members.

It would be really useful if this behavior was implemented again in the latest versions of Board, so that without needing to take as much space from the screens, the users were able to interact with more members of the selector at once.

Thank you,

Best regards,

14 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated