Export dataset - Remove the quotation marks
Hello everyone,
I am facing a constraint with the export dataset feature. I would like to export a large amount of data with more than 4 entities on row without the header and the quotation marks.
Currently, when I execute the export dataset, I get the following pattern :
I would like to get the following pattern :
Note : keeping the >;< delimiter without the quotation marks.
I tried to use the export dataview but considering the bunch of data it did not work. I also tried to export a cube using the csv format, but I can not define the delimiter.
Thank you for your help,
Hi Nathan,
The double quotes in a csv file is to denote the boundaries of the field. I don't think this can be avoided. As a workaround to not having the double quotation marks, you can do find and replace the quotation marks on the whole sheet.
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Hi Samson,
Thank you for your answer. Although for the sake of automatizing the interface between the two systems I would like to prevent myself from any manual intervention.
Though, I would like to find a way to extract the data based on this specific pattern without the header :
As of my testing I found the following results for several extraction methods:
- Extract dataset
- Delimiter modification → OK
- Quotation marks removal → KO
- Header removal → KO
- Extract dataview
- Delimiter modification → OK
- Quotation marks removal → OK
- Header removal → OK
- Extract cube
- Delimiter modification → KO
- Quotation marks removal → OK
- Header removal → KO
The solution seems to be the extract dataview, but, considering the number of entity by row the board server crashes each time I execute the extraction procedure.
Would you have any other solution to address this technical constraint ?
Thank you for your help,
0 - Extract dataset
Hi @Nathan ,
you could use an ETL for that purpose like in this example:Kind regards
Helmut0 -
Hello Helmut,
I overcame this issue by ignoring the quotation marks at the import stage on the other system. Although it would be useful for other use case to know if there is a way to remove them at the import stage.
In fact, your answer would work in the case of an import in board, nevertheless, in my case I export from board and import from another system which is not board. That is why I would like to know how to remove the quotation marks at the export (from board) stage.
I remain all ears to know if there is a solution to my constraint.
Thank you in advance,
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Hello @Nathan ,
the doublequotes are used, cause the text may use the delimter. As defined in RDC 4180
, doublequotes are allowed in an standardized CSV file:4. Each field may or may not be enclosed in double quotes (however
some programs, such as Microsoft Excel, do not use double quotes
at all). If fields are not enclosed with double quotes, then
double quotes may not appear inside the fields. For example:"aaa","bbb","ccc" CRLF
zzz,yyy,xxx5.Fields containing line breaks (CRLF), double quotes, and commas
should be enclosed in double-quotes. For example:"aaa","b CRLF
bb","ccc" CRLF
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I had the case (for reimport in Board) and I used Björn's solution with ETL. However an ETL/Data Reader option to manage automatically the field delimiter quotes would be handy.
Export/import within Board is sadly a very common tool (I would much prefer to be able to do that kind of mapping / transfer without going through disk).0 -
Hello Nathan,
i have the same issue and i really have hope that in V14 with the flexgrid, i will be able to extract a large amount of data directly from a screen. Do you plan do install the V14 soon?
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