Change order Day and Day of week
Hi there,
any idea how i can change the order of Day and Day of week in a data view?
at the moment it is sorting the data alphabetical since day of week is the first dimension
It doesn't work with drag and drop since day is the lower level than day of week.
Under Time Range, you should be able to change sort order.
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Hey Samir. in general your idea does make sense. However as soon as you have multiple Mondays it doesn't work anymore since it is grouped by Mondays.
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Can you share an image of how it shows on the screen?
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Here you can see that Wednesday is grouped
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If the purpose is to show the weekday in text form for each date, you could create a child to Day with a 1:1 relationship.
You can use the same code as Day, but use the weekday name as the description.
Not sure if this is the best solution, but it could work.
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Hi Maik,
This is board working as expected unfortunately so would be hard to overrule that functionality, Board will sort the entity within it's grouping and start at the highest grouping level.
You would need to either break the relationship between day of week and day but this will likely have consequences that aren't acceptable on other functionality.
One way you could do it, although unsure how practical it would be is to create an unrelated entity with the same members as day and create a 1 - 1 mapping matrix (can do this with a simple extract reload, as it's a time dimensions you would also only need to do this when initializing or extending the time range) you then multiply your existing cube by this matrix into another new cube dimensioned by the new entity (but one that is unrelated to day of week). This will allow you to put day of week on the axis second to your new entity.
A caveat is it might only work is if each day is only related to 1 day of the week (which I couldn't see a reason it would be related to multiple).0 -
I guess it kind of answers my question although I think it is weird that is so difficult not to say: »sort by…«
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