Capsule Name Auto-Renaming

Hi everyone,

We are currently experiencing an issue with our capsules. The problem involves capsules automatically renaming themselves periodically. When this happens, the first letters of words in the names are either capitalized or converted to lowercase randomly.

Best regards,




  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes

    Hi @André,

    I would suppose to open a ticket with our support regarding this issue since the filename of the capsule changes on the storage level.

    Kind regards

  • that is a known issue, we have the same behavior. let me know if you find a solution

    I have the feeling that it occurs when users are using impact analysis

  • Hi Andre,

    Which version of Board are you using? We had the same issue a while back and i am pretty sure it was fixed with one of the version upgrade.

    You can always raise a support case at and one of the team members will look into it further.

