Hiding row total while keeping it activated
Hello board community,
For a client engagement I am trying to overcome the following constraint. Thank you for your help on this subject.
- I have a budget cube structured by year (budget_year) with a value of 1200$. This cube set the value for this use case.
- I have another budget cube structured by month (budget_month) with a value of 1200$ split by month. So, every single month contains 120$.
- With the data entry option on the cube budget_month the user can reallocate the value the way he wants. Nevertheless, the total must be equal to 1200$.
I would like to use the data entry validation rules on the cube budget_month to display automatically after each input and without saving the data entry an alert if budget_month is different from budget_year.
I use the following function if(rt(budget_year)<>budget_month,KO,OK). The only option I have to get the rt(budget_year) up to date is to activate the row total option which displays the total which I do not want. In fact, if a disable the row total option, the total disappears but the rt(budget_year) does not get updated after each input (updated only if the data entry is saved).
Is there any option to keep up to date the rt(budget_year) after each input (without saving the data entry) without displaying the total column ?
For some UX matters I do not want to use a procedure.
Thank you everyone for you answer.
Hi @Nathan,
I hope you are having a great day!
Thank you for all the details and information provided! We do appreciate that.
Have you tried to use the Container Visibility feature?
You can manage the visibility of embedded Objects in order to show or hide some of them in Play mode: their position in the container when the Screen is opened in Play mode depends on the configuration of the visibility properties.
For example, if an Expander contains one Data View in the first position and a Chart in the second, but the Data View is hidden due to its visibility settings, the Chart is automatically displayed in the first position of the container.
To set an Object as hidden, open the Layout editor and click the "Settings" button reveal the "Object properties" panel on the right-hand side of the page. Then, under the "DYNAMIC OPTIONS" menu, select a Block from the "Visibility" dropdown menu and tick the checkbox beside it.
Please let us know your comments.
Kind Regards,
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