Comeback of role up Cube

Rolap cubes would be a great way to have real time data in your DWH with the advantage that you can have audit trails (timestamp and username can be automatically written into a table), but:

  • Performances for bulk data entry are not acceptable
  • They cannot be used in dataflows reliably

These two issues cause the ROLAP cubes to be almost useless.

Please improve this functionality

5 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • Dear @Nicola ,

    for "bulk inserting" our suggestion it to use the dedicated procedure-action

    (here: )

    about dataflow using rolap-cubes as target we confirm (and we expect!) that they work properly and they are reliable. if you have some specific issue could you please open a dedicated case on our Support Portal?

    if there is some issue for sure we want to know it - and we will work to solve it!

    thanks for sharing and for your help
