Allow setting "Non-Exit" of procedure when cancelling interactive selection

Hi team!
The idea is very simple and practicable for control flow in Board procedures:
When using "interactive selections" in procedures, it would be highly beneficial to developers to have the option to intercept a user cancelling on "interactive selections" - in addition to the current default and only option of exiting the procedure and also any "parent-procedures".
This helps, for example, to achieve further steps of the procedure or jump to other groups/procedures depending on the outcome of the interactive select - even when the user decides to cancel. (In a subsequent hierarchical selection, the user might have reached the desired granularity of selections, etc.).
This would also resolve having to find work-arounds for catching bad selections caused by "apply data to screen" and "refresh screen" steps not being reached.
Let me know if you need more input on this.
Best regards,