Extend the Time Range


I need to Extend the To Year and I tried to follow the How to Guide: How to change the Time range in GCR

But I don't have or I don't know where to find the different elements you quote in the text: the location where this file should be placed (%Conso_Dataset%\Standard_Entities\Tree Month.txt) and the procedures ADM- Extract Months Tree, #Update Version, ADM – Reload Month Tree”.

Is it because, whatever it is GCR, is not applicable to our case? In that case how can I do it?

Our Time Range window is slightly different that the one in the Screenshots of the How to Guide. It looks like this (GCR does not appear anywhere):

Could you help us on this?

Thanks in advance



Accepted Answer

  • Zayaan Wasif
    Zayaan Wasif Employee
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization August Badge of the Month
    Answer ✓

    Hi Jordi,

    Thank you for providing detailed information. Yes, based off the screenshots provided it does not seem like the steps applicable to a GCR based use-case/data model are applicable to your environment. Instead, you can utilize the steps found in this guide, specifically under the '3.1.1 Changing the time range' sub-section in order to increase the time-range :

    Let me know if you have any questions!




  • Thanks Zayaan. I extended the To Year. And after that I rerun the Time Dimension procedure. Afterwards I checked a selection of cubes and all look fine, except one, which had the FY dimension.

    When you extend the To Year, the FY dimension is deleted, right? And that probably clears all the cubes which use it. Could be that possible? How can I do then the process to avoid loosing any data from the cubes?

  • Hi Jordi,

    Would you be able to clarify what you are referring to when you mention re-running the the time dimension procedure? Would you also be able to share a screenshot of the dimensions involved in the cube that was impacted?


  • Hi,

    We created at the beginning of the implementation some Fiscal Time entities. These entities are created in a Time Dimension Procedure. This procedure runs every night. This setting was done by the BOARD consultant that guided us during the design phase.

    These are the entities and its relationships:

    Most of the cubes are at Month level but few are at Fiscal Year level. These cubes were cleared while extending the Time Range.

    Cube 0070 is an exemple:

  • alenzi
    alenzi Employee
    Third Anniversary Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board Name Dropper

    Hi Jordi, Just as a confirm since I was the one writing this Guide, My article was related to the specific use og the "GCR" application. So it is correct that you do not follow this guidance but use the one suggested by Zayaan instead.



  • Hi,

    I have decided to follow all the steps recomended for the modification of the From Year. It think they will avoid the mentioned issue:

    1. Extract all cubes.
    2. Setting the sort of any Custom time entity to None
    3. Extract the time tree and Custom time entities
    4. Clear all cubes.
    5. Increase the “From Year” value.
    6. Reload all cubes.
    7. Reload Custom time entities to recreate the members
    8. Reload the time tree to regenerate the relationships with the custom entities
    9. Restore the Sorting setups
    10. Restore any fixed selection or ReferTo on a time entity according to expectations

    My question is about point 3. Where does the Custom entities file go once it is exported, as the export button does not ask for any specific destination:


  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary
    edited July 2024

    Hi Jordi,
    you might want to use the appropriate procedure step to extract the entity to a desired destination.
    Whenever you're using the "extract option" on an entity in the entity view, your files will be placed in <BoardPath>\Dataset\<DBName> carrying the entity's number (physical name) in the file name.

    Just have a look at the procedure your consultant has set up for the custom time dimensions ;-)

    Kind regards

  • Sorry, I don't understand. I can create a procedure to export an entity which allows me to set a path but then I can not select the any time custom entity, they are just not available. And reagarding the path you point, I can not recognize it in the Azure explorer.

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary

    Hi Jordi,
    the custom time entities are part of the time tree in Board - you'll find all your custom entities in


    if you export the tree manually - otherwise the path and filename can be set to your needs if you're using a procedure to extract the time-hierachy.

    Kind reagrds