Temporary Cube in use y/n

Helmut Heimann
Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
100 Up Votes First Comment Name Dropper Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board

Hi team,

It would be a great advantage if the information as to whether a temporary cube is used in a procedure or not were directly available in the definition window.

During the development phase, a number of temporary cubes are created and only some of these are still needed at the time of deployment.
If the above information were available, temporary cubes that are no longer required could be deleted directly in the definition window. And this would save a lot of time, as otherwise you would always have to go back to the procedure development environment and search for the relevant cube in order to be able to decide whether the cube can be deleted or not.

Kind regards

19 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • Atilla Özbey
    Atilla Özbey Employee
    5 Likes Third Anniversary Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board
    edited August 23

    I would go one step further and introduce an additional button e.g., "clean up" to delete all not in use virtual cubes.

    Please refer also to idea: "Highlight not used temporary cubes (created in procedures)"