Struggle to understand NEXEL
Hi BOARD Team,
After reading through the manual, I still cannot understand how NEXEL reference works. In our production system:
Active cell is 5.6. Formula is =[@b;-1;*]/AVERAGEIF([@b;-5;*]:[@b;-5;+12],">0").
My understanding:
[@b;-1;*] pointing to 7,162. Is it correct?
[@b;-5;*]:[@b;-5;+12] pointing to Demand layer for 12 cells. then get the average of them. Is it correct?
Why [@b;-1] pointing to Closing Stock (one row above active cell) but [@b;-5] is NOT pointing to Adjusted Suggest POs (five row above active cell)?
Accepted Answer
Ah I did not realise it is working as intended currently. To answer your question:
If you remove the sorting and filter I would assume that the row "Demand" is 5 rows above "Closing Stock"
Hi @Harry Sun
there can be a whole range of things causing Nexel to behave differently than expected. As a quick fix you could refer to the row with the entity code instead, as your goal looks achievable with a static reference.
If you would like to solve the issue why the dynamic reference is not working please share your layout editor, including filter and sorting.
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Hi Remo,
This NEXEL is working fine, which is done by BOARD developer. But I could not understand why [@b;-1;*] seems pointing to one row above the active cell but [@b;-5;*]:[@b;-5;+12] is pointing to 8 rows above (not 5 rows).
Layout , filter and sorting as following
If I make UROW visible, it looks like following
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Hi Remo,
Thanks a lot. it is exactly why. Appreciate your help.
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