Improved Release Notes section is coming soon!

Product Management Team
Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
500 Comments 100 Likes First Anniversary Name Dropper
edited August 14 in Blog

We are proud to announce that a new and improved, dedicated Release Notes section will be launched on Community by the end of this year! 


Why a new Release Notes section? 

The new Release Note section is an improved version of the section we have today, designed to facilitate a better user experience by creating easier navigation and better visualization of the release notes on the Community. All release notes documentation will be posted in one designated place and organized so that you see all the information that is available and important for each version and its updates.  


What's new? 

The Release Note section will be visualized in a knowledge base format complete with a table of contents and an intuitive organization system that will be broken down by version number, date, categories, and sometimes subcategories. 

Categories like new features, bug fixes, update guides, and security updates help you to locate all the relevant and important information about a particular version or update, which will keep all our readers better informed. 

We have created a dedicated Bug Fixes page where logged in employees, customers, and partners can read about each version's bug fixes in more detail. 


How does this affect you?  

This change makes finding release notes easier and faster.

Under Resources, you will find “Release Notes” under a new menu named “Product”. This will navigate you to a new section where you will find all the release notes organized by version and date. 

Release notes, updates, and bug fixes will only be announced in the new Release Notes section once it is launched at the end of the year. 

Below are the changes you can expect regarding the publication and location of release notes: 

  • For now, all 14.1 version features can and will still be available in the comments section of the original 14.1 release announcement blog 
  • Once launched, the 14.1 version features along with any new release notes will be found in the new Release Notes section 
  • All bug fixes have already been moved to the Bug Fixes page 


Where is the new Bug Fixes page? 

To reach the Bug Fixes page, navigate to the Resource section of the Community where you will find the “Bug Fixes” link under the “Product” menu. You can also find a link to the Bug Fixes page in the comments section of the 14.1 release announcement where the features of each update are kept. 

From now on, bug fixes will only be announced on this page and no longer underneath the blog post of the release announcement in the comments section nor in the knowledge base. The features of the release will remain for now while we prepare the launch of the new Release Notes pages, scheduled for the end of the year—stay tuned! 


Where will the new Release Notes section be found? 

The improved Release Notes section will be found in the same location it is today, under the new Product menu found in the Resource section of the Community top navigation bar, hosting all the release notes and updates in one place.  

When will the Release Notes section launch? 

The Release Notes section will launch at the end of the year.

To create a smooth transition into this new era or content delivery, you will see the evolution of the new Release Notes section happen in three phases: 

  1. Bug Fixes page (completed). We've created a dedicated Bug Fixes page where customers, partners, and employees can access all the details of a version's bug fixes organized by version and date. This is the first step in the process, and this dedicated Bug fixes page will soon merge with the Release Notes section 
  2. Release Notes section (end of 2024). We will launch the new Release Notes section with all existing release notes organized by version and date. The Bug Fixes page will also live here. We will continue to keep the features in their original place (in the comments section below the release announcement blog), but also add them here 
  3. New system adoption. After the launch, new release notes and updates from then on will always and only be posted in this new section. Announcements of new releases coming and launched will continue to be posted on the Community blog with a link to the new Release Notes page 


Stay informed of new releases and updates 

If you want to receive updates when we drop a new release, the best way to do this is to use the “Bookmark” feature on the Download link page of the version you are interested in. To do so, proceed as follows: 

  1. Go to the “Downloads” page under the Support menu in the top navigation. 
  2. Find the version you want to receive updates on and open the page.  
  3. Click on the bookmark icon. Now, when a new version update is released, you will always receive an update from this page.  

Note: Even if you don't need to download links, we will always update the download links for every release, and this is the best way to receive a notification of a new update. 


Receive a notification when the new Release Notes section has launched 

To stay informed of the new Release notes section launch, bookmark this blog article. Go to the top of this article and click on the bookmark icon (similar to the image above). We will update this blog article and announce the launch of the new Release Notes section, giving you a notification (if you bookmark this article) when that happens. 



  • Hi, Can I ask if new releases are automatically installed?

  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    500 Comments 100 Likes First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited August 27

    Hello @Maik Burghardt , thanks for the question. The process for updates are as follows:

    The latest Cloud releases are automatically installed upon customer requests, while on-premises customers update by downloading the installers.

    -Product Management