Academy200:Sales Planning206, step9 'Run budget initialization ' goes wrong

WANG BOCE Active Partner
Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board First Comment

After I clicked the "Initialize Budget" label on 'Sales Planning' screen, the "Variance" and "Variance %" columns didn't become "0" or "0%". I thought it was something wrong with my procedure, so I checked but I did't find the problem. And also the number is a little bit wierd(from my GBL data view, the number of variance% is '-46.81%' while I saw the example was '-100%' ), I don't know whether it is correct or not.

Thank you for your reading. Or if you need more details, ask me further, thank you very much.😢


Accepted Answer

  • Kristin Dimitrova
    Answer ✓

    Hi Wang,

    Thank you for your patience! I'll reach out to schedule a call with you to provide further assistance. It's hard to evaluate what might have gone wrong without evaluating that the build steps were completed correctly on the instance.




    WANG BOCE Active Partner
    Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board First Comment

    Sorry, a further questions, when I choose 'Italy' in Country selector on both 'Sales Planning' screen and 'Sales Planning adjustment' screen, the data can not show well (actually show nothing, all data disappeared), but on the 'Sales Data Upload' screen, the data of Italy can be shown correctly, I don't know why. Thank you for your reading.