Filename substitution formula in Data Readers

Hello everyone,
It could be useful for developers to have the following functionality implemented in Board:
A new substitution formula @filename that returns the name of the file being loaded in the Data Reader. This formula could then be used in the ETL.
Usage example:
The client's cubes have the dimension "Month of Load", and the data files include the suffix "_YYYYMM" to indicate the month in which the data extraction was made.
- With @filename, we could write a simple formula "RIGHT(@filename,2)" in the ETL of the Data Reader to classify the data. Allowing us to load several files in the same Data Reader.
- Without @filename, we would have to either load the data manually and changing the corresponding month in the ETL on each load. Or we would have to create 12 different Data Readers for each cube.
Thank you,
Best regards,
This idea is very useful.
The client I work for needs a table to select the data they want to load. There is one file for the 8 data sources and 12 months.
Currently I have to create a Data Reader for each of them (96 in total) and a procedure that calls the correct one depending on the user's selection.
However, if this idea were implemented, I would only have to create one Data Reader, since the name of the files contains the information I need for the ETL ([data source] and [month]).