Drill Down popup


Can a drill down popup be configured to show totals found on the main screen dataview .

like a summary of the information found on the main dataview for the user not to lose focus on the main information



  • Hi khaleelah,

    If I understood your requirements correctly, you need a summary (total view) of the dataview and enable users to drill down to detail level. If that is correct, it can be configured in design mode by having a dataview without any entities on row and using a 'Drill anywhere' option. Select the required entity and save the screen. On the play mode, on the same dataview when you click on 'Drill down' option you would get the same outcome.

    Hope this helps.


    Sudeep Palkar


  • Hi Khaleelah,

    To provide a visual explanation, please find below screenshots

    1. Open the window in design mode and create the layout with the expected details and showing the total. I have shown the sales total at country level. However, I would like to see the total at Country and division level.

    2. Click on Total, and select the Drill anywhere on the black tab which pops up above the table. Select the dimension you would like to observe the table at. Here I have selected Division dimension

    3. Now save this view and open the screen in play mode. Once in play mode and the user double clicks on the total, the window will pop-up showing the Country totals as well as details at division level. Shown below

    4. This view will always be present when the user clicks on total.

    Do let us know if you have any further doubts.


    Jui Date

  • Hi Jui,

    Thank you very much for this detailed explanation, it helps a lot. Very much my requirement.

    is the drill down object flexible enough to add other information on the layout. Lets say i wanted a total from the main data view and display it on the drill down

  • Yes the drill down object is flexible to add new entities / blocks and layout..

  • thank you. Great