equivalent of join/where conditions in Board

Khaleelah Customer
10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Up Votes Name Dropper
edited August 2024 in Platform


Wanted to know if there is any equivalent for where conditions in board.

Example let say i want to update a field in a conventional query (simplified for understanding)

update table1 set field1value = table2.field1value

where table1.feldname1 = table2.fieldname1

in board i cannot do a select on each cell of a cube and set the target cube to a value. it would be a lengthy code.

Basically i need to save data in a cube based on an existing source cube and an entity. for all the members in the entity , if it is found in the source cube, then save the value of that source cube for that particular member in the target cube. The procedure will be called when the screen loads (open trigger)

Any idea abt that



  • Hi Khaleelah,

    Can you help me with the dimensions of the target and source cube.

    If in case, the dimensions of both the cubes are same, you can simply do a data flow without a where conditions as all the non-zero combinations in the source cube will flow to the same combinations in the target cube.

    For instance, the data stored in 2D (Country, Customer) source cube will flow the data in same combinations of country and customers in the target cube without a where condition on country or customer.

    Let me know if this helps.


    Sudeep Palkar

  • Hi Sudeep,

    Your example is good. My context is

    lets say i want to save customer data only for few customers found as members in an entity .

    Cube A

    Customer 1, India

    Customer2, Portugal

    Customer 3, USA

    Customer 4, UK

    My Entity

    Customer 1

    Customer 4

    I just need the countries of these two members and save in another cube B. (Actually we are talking about two different data models)'. I dont want to do a select one by one.

    Any idea


  • Hi Khaleelah,

    As I can see it, there are couple of options here:

    Select based on cube

    You can have a flag cube with the dimension that you like to select, in this case customers. Have a data entry screen and flag the countries that you like to flow data into target cube. Use this cube before the data flow by using a procedure step select entity based on cube. This can help you to handle multiple selections in a dynamic way.

    Selection on Parent

    One more option is to have a parent entity on countries, let say select and two members Yes and No. You can assign parent yes for countries that you would like to flow data and use a procedure step selection and select Yes entity for entity select before the dataflow.

    Help this help, let me know if this works.


    Sudeep Palkar

  • Hi Sudeep,

    Yes your solutions help indeed. However a new member in the entity will entail either modifying the procedure or via the screen.

    But if thats the only option its fine.

    What i was thinking is like

    for customer IN mycustomer Entity , update… this would be dynamic

    Thanks, will go for your solution.