
Hello Everybody! Is it possible to put conditional formatting on a gauge? I would like to be able to go from red when we are close to 0 to green when we are close to 100%
Accepted Answer
Hi François,
If by conditional formatting you mean color alert feature, unfortunately I believe that it is not supported by the gauge object…
Adrien Albrespit
Thank you for that quick response! Is there, in this case, a way to superimpose two gauges, one "green" and the other "red", and only show under the condition the gauge that meets the criteria: if the indicator is positive, it is the green gauge that appears and if it is bad, it is the red that appears?
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Hi Francois,
I am not sure about super-imposing them, but I know that you could put a blank white object over one with a condition on that object to cover it up. So they could sit next to each other but maybe not directly in the same space.
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I believe that it is possible adding an additional algorithm and playing the visibility tool.
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Test made on my environment:
- Create your 3 gauges with the relevant colours
- In each one, add an hidden data block that returns 0 or 1
- Ex: red: if(a<=0.25,1,0)
- neutral: if (a>0.25,if(a<0.75,1,0),0)
- green: if (a>=0.75,1,0)
- In my example, max = 12, treesholds are 3 and 9:
- Superpose them and use visibility based on data block where you defined your algorithm
Best regards,
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Thank you everybody!