How to remove the totals for a Entity Block?
Hello @Suman Das,
You can either go to the Data view settings from the screen and tick "Hide grand total row" or go to the layout settings (in the Data view) to untick "Down totals".
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Dear Samir,
Thank you for reverting. We have our transactions value in the further column. We can't remove the grand total the data fow. Is there any options that we can remove the entity block total.
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@Suman Das, I'm not totally sure of what you mean, but maybe you are referring to the Row totals which you can remove by unticking the box within the Data view layout.
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Dear Samir,
I have tried with unchecking the row total also but it is not working.
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Hi @Suman Das,
I read your question again. I misunderstood what you were asking about.
You are right that changing the Total on the block doesn't work. Why it doesn't, I don't know. :-)
If it's only the Description total you want to hide, and not the whole Grand Total row, I would do a workaround and go to Block Format and change the font color to have the same color as the background.
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Dear Samir,
Thank you for providing me the solution. I have tried the same thing in my case. it is working.
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Hi @Suman Das ,
usually, you would use the option "no total" on the block you don't want to display total values. Unfortunately, that does not work in every case (it seems to be effective only on numerical blocks).
Hence you could, of course, use Samir's approach.
Another workaround to overcome this issue would be to add a hidden column after the one that's showing the description and is supposed to be displaying no totals.
Helmut1 -
Dear @Helmut Heimann ,
Thank you providing this approach. I will try it at my end.