Flex grid calculation


I am using the flex grid as below, the Var % is calculated as (78081-75790)/78081 * 100. This is calculated well on each line. However , when i am grouping and aggregating value, the variance is being summed up which is incorrect. It should have taken

(10,498,902 - 11,700,011)/ 10,498,902 * 100 = 10 %, on the screen it showing -396. Any possibility of a calculation.

Thank you


  • Samir Jones
    Samir Jones Active Partner, Community Captain
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Up Votes 5 Answers

    @Khaleelah, I'm not working B14 at the moment so I'm not sure of the options in a Flex Grid, but in previous Board versions (in Data views) you can set totals as Total or Calculated. In your case, you should change it to Calculated.

  • hi Samir

    I have switched to Flex grid because of the possibilities the grid has. The user does not need to drill down.

    And it has better performance.

    I havent seen the calculated option. any idea where it is found on the flex grid


  • Samir Jones
    Samir Jones Active Partner, Community Captain
    100 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Up Votes 5 Answers

    @Khaleelah, sorry I don't know.