Which Excel sheet is imported with SmartImport?

When I imported an Excel workbook with SmartImport, the rightmost sheet was imported.
Is this by design?
I need to explain to my customers.
Could you please provide a link to the online documentation where this is clearly stated?

Thank you in advance.

Accepted Answer

  • Shisong
    Shisong Active Partner, Community Captain
    5 Answers 10 Comments Board Developer September Badge of the Month
    Answer ✓

    "Only the active tab of the uploaded worksheet is considered during the data loading process."


    Therefore, if you want to import another sheet other than the current active one, please open the sheet, save the file, and reupload. That will work.


  • a.yamashiro
    a.yamashiro Active Partner
    Name Dropper Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board First Comment

    Thank you Shison for the very useful information.
    It's exactly what I was looking for.
    Again, thank you for your response.