Impact Analysis scope to include Capsule procedures

At the moment, impact analysis only reports on the objects and their dependencies that are present in the data model. This excludes the capsule-level procedures. For example, If we search for a procedure and identify which other procedures make a call to it, it only lists the procedures at the data model level while there might be capsule-level procedures making a call to data model procedures. In such circumstances, any name changes of the procedures impact the capsule procedures.

It would be good to have a complete analysis of the interdependencies of objects to make updates and avoid rework.

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  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    250 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Up Votes 100 Comments

    Hi @Navan Mehra,

    I'm not quite sure what you're aiming at because B14 already provides that information:

    This here is a screenshot of the Impact Analysis' result on a Database Procedure being called by a Capsule Procedure:

    However, you'll need to run the Analysis twice if you want to see both - database and capsule procedures. Currently, you can unfortunately only select one type of procedure in the "linked to" section of the Analysis.
