How to create iteration in financial model in BOARD

Mi, My name is Francesco I’m proficient in MS Excel, but I want to move some models built in Excel to the Board platform. I’m collaborating with a Board Consultant, and together we are working to port these models from Excel to Board. Specifically, I need to solve a task related to creating a financial model for the P&L, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows (both direct and indirect methods). As you know, calculating interest expenses on a bank credit line requires an iterative process to balance the model (P&L plug). Does Board's calculation engine support iterative calculations? i wanna know something before to talk with consultant to be prepated to oppositive asnwer. Thanks
Hi Francesco ,
I hope you are doing well !
It is possible to create a loop in Board but it's easier on some entities rather than others :
This guide explains it all in detail if you want to loop on Time tree :
If you want to loop on entities that are not Time tree related (example on Indicators) it's still possible but you would need Nexel and it's bit harder to explain or even develop.
If you want more details I would need some examples on your specific calculations and why the loop.
I wish you a nice day !
Kind regards,