Top-down flagging in one data layout, on any level

I am wondering if anyone can give me tips on how to flag members of an unbalanced hierarchy (or a regular hierarchy if it would work with that) in one data layout. The client would like to use an unbalanced hierarchy, and just select something on top level and have that pushed down to lower levels. I would like to know the most user friendly way to do this.

The hierarchy I am trying to use for this has 7 levels. I have tried presenting the 7 levels in 7 different data layouts for each level, but that was not accepted. I have tried using an unbalanced hierarchy selector and teaching the client to use the "leaves" option after choosing a higher level, then use >1 in a layout to flag all the leaves. This solution is also proving difficult.

The preferred way the client is asking for is seen in this screenshot:

Even with split and splat turned on, it is not possible to input elements on higher levels if there are no leaf members below them to split and splat it to. I understand this is by design, but I am wondering if there is a workaround for this use case.

Is there any way to achieve something like this? One data layout, users can tick on any level and have "1" automatically populated on leaf level elements below.



  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    250 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Up Votes 100 Comments
    edited October 1

    Hi @Krisztina Zappert ,

    the first thing coming to my mind is to pre-populate an inverted cube with "1" and then let the user do their task the other way around by de-selecting the not wanted. Although this would be split&splat enabled just so long the user doesn't uncheck a leave they might want to check again, later—for expample if the unchecking was done by mistake. You could then run a procedure to populate the "real" cube with if(a=1,0,1).

    But, keep in mind that this would let the system aggregate the leaves automatically if you're using an UBH.

    Just an idea…


  • Krisztina Zappert
    Krisztina Zappert Active Partner
    Second Anniversary 25 Likes 25 Up Votes 10 Comments

    Hi Helmut,

    Thank you for the recommendation, I will discuss it with the client.

    Is there anything else that can be done, any way to force an input of '1' using split and splat? We are populating cubes that govern security, and I am afraid that ticking off what users won't have access to is going to be a breeding ground for errors.
