B14 Dynamic Engine : Missing tech info about improvements
In Board14, there is some improvements on the engine called "Dynamic Engine"
However the board documentation is vague, it is more marketing oriented than technical. So we don't know exactly in which area we will have benefit and how to measure it when moving from B12 to B14.
For IT guys, administrators that have big board DB and tech-savvy, could you please translate the documentation in tech white paper, detailled benchmark B14 vs B12 or use cases ?
Here the documentation :
- Improved scalability for larger data volumes with fewer resources
- Board Engine is now capable of managing much larger amounts of data thanks to an optimized management where information is kept in memory ⇒ Provide an use case or on a benchmark B12 vs B14 (eg based on 20GB DB)
- Historical data loading has much less impact on resources usage, reducing the need for data archiving processes ⇒ Explain BOARD rules to identify "historical data" and what BOARD is doing precisly with these data + B12 vs B14 example comparison
- On average, much more resources are available to execute user interactions and requested calculations ⇒ Examples ? User concurrency B12 vs B14 ?
- Improved performance for calculations and data transfers
- The new architecture allows for several performance optimizations and improvements in several key areas like Dataflows, Data Readers, Extractions, etc. ⇒ Use cases ?
Hello Julien,
unfortunatly i don't have all answers to your Questions. Maybe this helps.
Nelson Petracek introduced B14 in this video.
At minute 7 he speaks about Dynamic Engine.
Procedure Execution is 20% Faster.30 % less Memory Consumption.
@Product Management Team : Do you have more insights?