Level 200, Module 204 - Relationships (missing parent)

I have followed the instructions in the tutorial and have some issues with the relationships in my data model.

I have already found one problem related to my data readers, where some rows were discarded because either the "code width", "desc width" or "item number", which we had to set up when creating the entities, was too small.
That did not fix the issue with the relationships though. Maybe this view is helpful:

Any help is appriciated, I already did the whole module 204 twice and ended up at exactly the same issue.



Accepted Answer

  • Youssef
    Youssef Active Partner
    Board Developer First Answer First Comment Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization
    Answer ✓

    You're welcome, in the first picture that you've attached to your comment, it's obvious that you've loaded a country member (UK) into your store entity, what i would suggest you :

    Clear your entities in question & reload data reader, this would fix the entities members relationships, however, all your cubes dimensioned by those cleared entities would be emptied from data.


  • Youssef
    Youssef Active Partner
    Board Developer First Answer First Comment Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization


    When setting up your data reader, in the second section (2 : Mapping), try to map the right source field which is present in your file (header column in data reader mapping is written in blue) to the right Data Model field in Board (Entity/cube) (header column in data reader mapping is written in green).

    Best regards,


  • Thank you for the suggestion, I checked it and the data reader doesn't seem to be the problem. Here is a screenshot of my mapping.

  • Thank you so much Youssef! Clearing the Cubes and running the data readers again did in fact fix the problem. :)

    No more missing parents!

  • Youssef
    Youssef Active Partner
    Board Developer First Answer First Comment Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization

    You're so welcome Julian :) I'm glad that you've got your question answered !

  • Just for my own understanding:
    Is it true, that when you re-run your data readers, but your entities were allready filled with the wrong data (as in my case with the missing relationships). Board doesn't overwrite the data in those entities?

  • Youssef
    Youssef Active Partner
    Board Developer First Answer First Comment Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization

    When you run a data reader to load an entity or tree, Board will add the entity’s members from your data file (source) to the existing members list within Board. If a member already exists in Board, it will be skipped, and relationships are established during the initial load.

    Best Practice: If you want to populate a tree of entities with shared relationships (e.g., Store, City, Country, Area), follow these guidelines to avoid missing parent or child relationships:

    1. Prepare Your Data File: Ensure the first column represents your lowest aggregated entity, and the last column represents the highest aggregated entity. For example, Column A: Store Code, Column B: Store Description, Column C: City Code, ..., Column H: Area Description.
    2. Check Parent-Child Order: In each row of your source data file, verify that each child member's value is adjacent to its parent. For instance, in Row 1 (Column A might contain "UK001," Column C "London," and Column E "UK.")
    3. Ensure Column Consistency: All columns should contain the same number of rows. If not, you’ll have missing relationships for entities where some columns contain more rows than others.