Enhancing Developer- and User-Experience with Dialog-Boxes

Dear @Product Management Team!
The current message box only offers a limited number of options, even a question that could be answered other than ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ can only be asked sensibly with difficulty in the form ‘If you want (a), please press “Yes”, otherwise “No”’. This is not very user-friendly.
So, on the one hand, this box should offer configurable answer options; on the other hand, it would be helpful if there were more than just two possible answers. For example, the option to select via radio buttons, which is unfortunately completely missing at the moment.
It would also be very good if several entries could be selected. At the moment, this only works when using entities (and this also means that you first have to select the answer options, which in turn means that all entries are initially selected); however, it would be tedious to create new entities for each query you want to set up.
To summarise:
- Configurable response options
- Radio buttons for selection (only one entry)
- List selection (one entry or multiple entries)