Level 200 - ETL

Walter Customer, Community Captain
10 Comments Year 2 Community Captain 5 Likes Board Developer

Hello community, I need resources on how to use the ETL section of a Data Reader to effectively perform aggregation between two or more columns. Any resources that I can explore will be highly appreciated.
Thanks and have a great Thanksgiving week.

Accepted Answer

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Walter ,

    usually, the aggregation will take place in the mapping section of a datareader, using the ADD option for the cubes' slices. Consider this example:

    This will sum up all values regarding the grouping by the cubes' dimensions (Month, Store, Currency, and Account). Anything configured in the ETL will work on row level (i.e. being calculated per 1 row at the time).

    Another possibility of aggregating would be to use a cube that is higher aggregated regarding its dimensions than the source data is. If, for example, the above used cube was dimensioned by quarter instead of month, it would automatically aggregate all month's values into the corresponding quarter.

    What do you mean by "aggregation between two or more columns"? The columns in the ETL can be referred to the same way you'd do in EXCEL (i.e. D7=C7*E7 would multiply C7 by 2 and store the result in column D7).
