Saturated Entity Alert: Boards 12 and Board 14

Good morning,

I am gently writing to report an issue on Board 12 and Board 14:

when an entity is saturated, Board does not give me notice about it, not even a message error like in Board 10 or former versions, and therefore all data in all Board reports are loaded just partially. To be more specific, if an entity is created with a "Max Item Number" of 6000, and the associated field from the related database has more than 6000 occurrences, Board loads 6000 features only dropping the additional occurrences.

Would it be possible to implement an alert to notice the users there is a saturated entity in Board?

In addition, I think it also would be efficient not to discard the exceeding occurrences.

Thank you!

Kind regards!

3 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 4

    Hi @Davenyr Fajutag ,

    you'll get an error message in the log of the datareader that populates the entity—that log, of course, needs to be activated.

    In the case that the entity's MaxItemNo would be exceeded, you get the message and—for good reasons—the additional records will be discarded to avoid corrupting the database.

    You can find that information here:

    That said, it's clear that you don't get an error message like in B10 for example when opening the database just because there are no entities where the MaxItemNo is exceeded.

    So this isn't an issue but works as designed.
