Data blocks heading to show up as Categories?

Hi there - this seems it should be very simple in my mind, but I can't figure out how to make it work.

I want to have data block headings to show up as bar's titles in X categories:
In the screenshot, you can see Jun.24 in X axis as having month entity set as category. I don't even need a month label; the entire screen is configured as 1 member selection only for the time entities. Instead, I want to see the legend names (data block headings) to the X axis, so to give a clear title to each bar. How can I do that?

(The data view is cartesian, chart type and series are currently set to waterfall, yet they have the same output if I set it as bars, just slightly different aesthetics).

Moreover, how can I increase spacing between bars?



Accepted Answer

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2024 Answer ✓

    Dear @davide.garaffa ,

    you'd need to set the month into "Series" and leave the category empty:

    Put the data into your blocks like here

    In the object settings of the chart (right hand panel), switch row/column

    …and this would be the result assuming one month has been selected

    You can see that the bars are displayed with a space between them.

    However, you won't be able to change the bars' colours separately—they'll each have the same colour.

