Add in "Layout settings" an option for the user to select how to display entity members.

Kevin Kowalski
Kevin Kowalski Employee, Community Captain
Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Up Votes First Answer

Hello @Product Management Team ,

I would like to share an idea from a customer that could be helpful for dataviews. I don't think I found another article with the same precise request.

Functional requirement and known limitation :

  • Let the "User" visualize the entity members "by row" (or "by column") with a different display from the original configuration.

  • Current "User Experience" : must make 6 clicks to update the dataview
    • → Layout Settings
    • → Layout Editor
    • → Axes
    • → By Row : Member Display mode "Default" → Example : "Code", or "Code and Description"…
    • → Repeat on "By Column" if needed
    • → Click on "Save"
  • Action is repeated for each dataview on screen

My Ideas :

1 - "Add a Icon in the "layout settings"

In one of the 2 bars below from the "Layout Settings" to add a new "Icon" (button) with the possibility for the user to select the display of the entity members of the dataview with the following options. (Drop Down list)

  • Member Display Mode :
    • Default
    • Code
    • Description
    • Code and Description

2 - "Add a Icon in the "Open Menu"

Another proposal is to add this option on the "Open Menu" bar with a specific Icon next to "My View" ?

This idea is probably more difficult to implement, where the "Member Display Mode" option will be sensitive to all layout (and not only dataviews ?) in the screen.

Current articles :

I found the article below with a similar request, in my case it's not about the layout configuration but to add a "layout settings" a new option to help the user experience visualisation, to let him display more easily the view of dataviews mostly on Reporting screens.

Thank you for reading (and voting 😀)

Kind Regards,

Solution Architect
Board France

9 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated