sum up results which match an if-formula


I have two Columns. First Column shows a YYYY, second column shows MM/YYYY. I compare if(Column1=right(Column2,4),1,0). So far it works fine, it shows a "1" if both years match. But it is impossible to sum up the resulting column. It just shows "1", but the Total doesnt show anything. I would expect it sums up all "1". That would be the result I am looking for. What do I wrong? At the end I only want to see the totals.


  • Hi,

    Could you please clarify which course you are encountering this issue in? Is it part of Level 200, Level 300 Part 1, or Level 300 Part 2? Additionally, if possible, could you share the module number and lesson number along with some screenshots within the course where this issue arises? This information will help us provide more targeted assistance.

  • Did you set the algorithm summary to "Total"?