Board Cloud Logs: Service Status / Shared Storage Capacity

Fethi ZERARA Active Partner, Community Captain
Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Likes

Dear Community,

Wishing you a New Year filled with joy and fun!

I would like to know the location of the SharedStorageZ file in order to retrieve the current capacity of the Shared Storage ( Possible to get this info using an API call ?). Is there any possibility to check via an API whether the Board Service is on or off?

Our goal is to gather all this information and send it to the exploitation team through APIs.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

Accepted Answers

  • Filip Rankovic
    Filip Rankovic Employee
    5 Answers Second Anniversary 25 Up Votes 10 Comments
    Answer ✓

    Hello Fethi

    Happy New Year to you, as well.

    Regarding your first question:
    While it is not possible to access the SharedStorageZ log via API directly, you can load the data into a suitable Cube via DataReader.
    The path of the log on each machine is: "C:\Board\Dataset\Log\SharedStorageZ.log"
    After loading the properties of the drive (with appropriate ETL), you can configure an "API query" endpoint in the data model as usual to access that Cube's data.

    Regarding your second question:
    I am not aware of a dedicated endpoint for the Service availability, but I can suggest creating a dummy "API query" endpoint that can be used for checking if the Service is running or not.
    When it is off, the endpoint will not be addressable and you will receive a "500 - Internal Server Error" message instead of the dummy value.

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Fethi ZERARA ,

    those aspects need Board's Metadata, which unfortunately is not available anymore. If you look into our ideas section and search for "metadata" you'll get loads of ideas regarding this topic, some of them significantly older than a year.

    There currently is no publicly available way of extracting the data to answer your question from a Board data model. For the time being you'll need to track all that information (manually) in a separate application.
    You can—of course—open a new idea …


  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    @Fethi ZERARA : I'm looking forward to new features being implemented too—always ;-)
    So let's keep our eyes peeled.


  • Andrea Duò
    Andrea Duò Employee
    Fourth Anniversary 25 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Fethi ZERARA,

    to add on Helmut's comment, this is just an example of one idea in this area that we received

    Feel free to search for similar open ideas, vote and comment them to raise this topic to the attention of our Product Mgmt team.

