Card object - Align text

We request the possibility to align (to the left, right, center, top, bottom, middle) and format the text inside the card object.
In our use case, we would like to use the card to display a log that track changes to the initiatives that we manage in Board. Each time a field is changed for a specific entity, a log is generated and written on a new member of our log cube.
This card object seems to fit very well our use cases as each new log could be displayed in a separate box and we could also use other text cube to display the author of the change and its timestamp.
The only limitation is that at the moment, the text inside the card object can only be displayed centered to the middle but we would like the log to be written as a regular text aligned to the left as it is quite ugly otherwise.
Hi @Nicola ,
I agree that some of the new objects could use some enhancements. In this case I think it would be nice if you could chose the kind of alignment, like in labels.
You've got my vote.