Extract the list of IDP users

Allow Administrator / Users to extract the list of all users from IDP to a flat file in AZURE storage

Today, it is only possible to extraxt the list of users via a browser

10 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • Fethi ZERARA
    Fethi ZERARA Active Partner, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Likes

    Totally Agree @Karel Kpamegan !

    I would like to add also :

    • Upload/Extract users ( or a chunk of a user's metadata) using a SQL / API communication
  • Kevin Kowalski
    Kevin Kowalski Employee, Community Captain
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Up Votes First Answer


    Today the IDP is a critical part of the security for all the instances and must be restricted to specific (technical) administrators.

    The workaround is a specific development requiring to link through metadata→entities the informations that only must be shared to the administrator from a instance into a Board database (LMA like data model).

    You can also link it through (claim mapping ("User metadata" and "Assertion claim" from a SSO) if the information is available from OIDC or SAML2 identity provider federation.

    In your case I agree these extraction could be simplify to Azure, but only if a SFTP is setup maybe ?
    Another solution could be to reach the file by API with a PKCE Authorization where an admin role is mandatory somehow ? I think there is probably many option possible :)
