Smart Import errors, add a 'download error list' button

Smart Import - as a user, I click the upload, select an Excel file. A dialogue box appears with errors:

I have a list of errors. I need to fix those errors in my Excel file. I open the Excel file, find E2, for example. I see what needs to be fixed… but I don't know the correct data I should enter. I have to go back to my Board app and close the Smart Import window (above). I find the correct data, enter it into my Excel. Now I want to fix the next error - but the list of errors is no longer on my screen! I have to again attempt an upload to see them.

Next I think, well, let me take a copy of the errors. I selected all of them, when I pasted, the ones that were off the screen did not paste! I had to copy and paste several times to get the full list.


Please add a button "DOWNLOAD ERROR LOG". The user could click that, it would put a text file in their Downloads folder with this list of errors.

Also, consider fixing the issue where I cannot copy-paste all the contents of the above window.

21 votes

Open For Voting · Last Updated


  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary

    Hi @Michael Gerrard ,

    thanks for bringing this up.
    I agree that the operation and error handling with the SmartImport could be a little more user-friendly.

    You've got my vote.


  • You have my vote!

  • +1, and noting that the error messages should indeed be much more specific and ideally configurable/application specific.

  • wdeer
    wdeer Customer
    10 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper 5 Up Votes

    Great idea - You have my support.

  • Nicolas CHIGROS
    Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Up Votes 25 Likes 10 Comments

    One of my customers requested the same feature!

    He would love to have also the ability to download the log in copy/paste or direct input mode