Access to environment after courses are completed


I have completed all three levels and shortly I will not be able to access the platform. Now I wonder how can I go back to any of the topics or features that I have learned?

Only through the trainings? That can be quite time consuming as probably I won't remember in which chapter of which level a feature was presented. It would be more practical to have access to the platform where I can go directly to a procedure or a screen and review how a procedure or dataview layout was build.

I tried to download the Database from Board Training Environment but it did not work.

Would there be the possibility to access the Completed case solution in a not editable environment for those who have finished all Levels? Just for reference.



  • Hi @Jordi Vilamajo

    Just a quick update — even after your instance expires, you can still access all course content, but only the theory part since the training instance won’t be available.

    You're right about downloading the entire database, but I just wanted to let you know that it might take some time. The process involves downloading all the capsules and the complete database. I’ve also attached a screenshot showing where you will be able to download the database for reference.

    Let me know if you need any more help!

  • Hi,

    Yes I know I can access the theory, but accessing also the DataModel would make it much more quicker and easy. Anyway, we will manage.

    By the way I did the download this morning using the same button you pointed and I did not get any download.
