BEAM - Outlier Cube not populating


For some reason the outlier cube is not populated with I run forecasting. Other output cubes are populated just fine.

I introduced a significantly large value so it should clearly identify it as an outlier. However, It does not populate the outlier cube.

The structure of my outlier cube is in line with the actuals cube.

I have opened a support ticket, but I have not heard back. Hopefully someone in this forum faced something like this and can give me some pointers.


  • Björn Reuber
    Björn Reuber Employee, Community Captain
    500 Likes Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers

    Hello Sudarshan,

    on which granularity are you calculating the forecast (Procuct, customer, month?) for your outlier, do you have a time series of at least 24 datapoints (month) with data?


  • It is calculating at product, market, contract owner (or customer) and measure (Gross sales for example) and month. Yes, timeseries is from Jan 2020 so lot more than 24 months datapoint.

    All other cubes are populated (example the targe forecast, upper and lower limits are populated fine.). They all, including the outlier cube, have same structure.

    The system is not recognizing this as outlier for some reason.